Oh war, it's been done before
that's what they say
I wasn't there, they say there's one today
I don't care, I'm not there today
'cause I'd say "fuck you" instead of "thank you"
your choice under your breath
oh say go to hell
I'll go American express
Oh war, history says you're in it
your sister's boyfriend's in it
so so long, soldier, wash your socks and guns
and just remember
if you don't see a profit, sell your stocks and run
'cause I'd say "fuck you" instead of "thank you"
your choice under your breath
oh say go to hell
I'll go American express
oh say go to hell
I'll go American express
oh say no to hell
I'll go American express
A Deranged Yet Totally Factual Account
Compiled Without the Benefit of Any Research Whatsoever
by Some Clown on the Internet