The name of the secret communications network
was a secret. |
Why This is This
We're fortunate that now, 20 years later, we can reflect on how badly things could have gone and how horribly the continuity of our government could have been disrupted if anyone had ever known anything about anything in time to do anything about it. But fortunately the only people who knew anything about it were sending secret messages back and forth on the secret network: Flash-Gordon, or Flash-Bulb, maybe.
I tend to forget some of the details. As I've been saying, I'm not exactly new to all this, but on the other hand I haven't done any research for this project, even though my memory is failing. And I would tell you why if I could remember.
The Comfortable Illogical Way We Talk
For 20 years now, I've been reading articles and blog posts and op-eds and scholarly papers concerning all sorts of aspects of 9/11 and the run-up and the follow-through (if I can call them by their proper names for once!) but I've never read an article or a series or a book or anything else that explains 9/11 in the comfortable illogical way we talk with our friends if we happen to have any.
We don't always get our ducks in the right order before we start shooting at them. We don't always burn our bridges when we get to them. In short, most of us are reasonably confused in real life. And that's why it's more fun to talk to your friends than to read an academic paper, for instance.
The Joy of Finally Understanding
And I got thinking about all this and thinking about Joe Heller and Catch-22. And it dawned on me that I had never understood anything about World War II until I'd read Catch-22 six times in a row, which was necessary (even though I was allegedly smarter than a brick) because Catch-22 is so fupp duck.
Reading it six times in a row drilled some of the basic concepts through my thick skull and into my tiny little brain. And this has made all the difference. I finally understood World War II. At the same time I also understood what people mean when they talk about patriotic American core values such as "business ethics" and "military intelligence".
It Finally Dawned on Me
And it finally dawned on me that when we're with our friends, we talk more or less the way Joe Heller wrote. I would be surprised if the none of the elements we love about his books showed up in his casual conversations. I don't know anybody who knew Joe and it's irresponsible to speculate on the basis of no information, even though our great leaders do it all the time.
But they're great leaders and I'm only a clown on the internet, so I try not to speculate because it don't enhance my credibility too good. Instead, I just try to write good clean prose and edit it into tight little packages. I learned the importance of this from Bill Blum, the study of whose work is also a master-class in how to do it.
Perspired by the Grates
I've also wasted a lot of time reading Kurt Vonnegut, whose skill at both writing comfortable prose and editing it into tight packages was awesome in its own right, even apart from his mastery of the art of story-telling.
So, in a crazy way, I've been perspired by tree vary grate righters. And I desecrate this demented mess to their respectable memories, which I would certainly honor in a more respective way if I could only think of one. But I can't do nothing better. And that's why this is this.
Shredding Propaganda
To get back to our main line of so-called "thought", I noticed that I'd read about a zillion outright propaganda pieces, none of which could shed much light on our darkness unless I shredded them line-by-line. This is more or less what David Ray Griffin was doing to the official story. I was doing it to shxtty little bursts of bullshxt which I was finding in the shxtty little websites that were springing up everywhere like poisonous little mushrooms.
Shxtty Little Newspapers
Every shxtty little newspaper, from the local rag you wouldn't read if they were giving it away, to the New York Times, which you wouldn't read even if it cost you $10 or $15 a week, was running the same shxtty propaganda, with the exception of the NYT which considered itself so far above the rest of the shxtty little papers that it had to find some exceptionally erudite bullshxt about 9/11 to fill in the gaps between the erudite bullshxt advertising that constituted the bulk of the paper and therefore could have had no perceptible effect on any of their editorial policies or anything like that.
Another Reason to be Thankful
That's another reason to be thankful, by the way. In shxtty little countries such as the ones we throw up against the wall every now and then just to show our friends how serious we are, they have a lot of bullshxt just like we do, but none of it is very erudite. [1]
The Importance of Perspective
As in so many things, a great deal depends on where you're standing. In other words, perhaps the shxtty little peasants in the shxtty little countries are actually lucky that their culture isn't saturated with erudite bullshxt because according to a reliable Gallup poll, erudite bullshxt is up to 73% more convincing than ordinary bullshxt. Apparently it's a bit less fragrant and the effects last longer. [2] But you digress.
Making the Penny Drop
We're trying to extricate ourselves from the bullshxt, or at least I am. And I assume that if you're with me so far, that means you're trying to extricate yourself, too. Which brings us back to Joe Heller and Bill Blum.
Aside from all the propaganda that's not worth shredding, I've read quite a few half-baked short pieces from half-baked clowns and probably an equal number of fully-baked long pieces from fully-baked clowns. Even though they all made contributions to the sum total of human ignorance (and even though most of those contributions were significant), none of them seemed likely to "make the penny drop", so to speak, for a reader who wasn't much smarter than a brick.
What We Need
After only 20 years I finally realized that what we need is the sort of thing Joe Heller would have written if he'd seen 9/11 rather than "just" World War II. It would be casual and friendly, just like the way we talk with our friends. And at the same time it would be all fupp duck as far as the thread of the narrative is concerned, so you'd have to read it 6 times in a row before it made any sense at all.
But once you started to see the big picture that he was having so much trouble drawing, so to speak, you could understand the whole situation far better than if you'd read any number of historians who were trying to get the story straight, putting their ducks in the right order, documenting their assertions properly, and so on.
Memory Rather Than Research
In any case, I've written this whole thing from memory rather than doing any research because I think it would break up my flow of semi-consciousness if I had to stop all the time to find out what the name of Roger's band was, or whether David Gilmour was ever in the band or not, or what the name of Oliver North's Flash-Net was.
If you want to know these things, I suggest reading Peter Dale Scott. He was, you may remember, the former diplomat and conspiracy theorist who was instrumental in the evil anti-war teach-ins of the 1960s, so you know he's trustworthy.
See Also:
Peter Dale Scott can fill you in on some of the details, [3] and David Ray Griffin can fill you in on some of the other details, [4] and there are plenty of other resources that you can use to learn about even more details if you're really interested. And I hope you are. And I hope you will. But rather than talking you through all of them all myself, I'm trying to give you a brief overview of a very complicated situation.
As you have no doubt noticed, I'm trying to show you this big picture in 25 words or less. This is what responsible journalists call "over-simplifying", and they would never do it. They would rather tangle you up in extraneous details.
Over- and Under-Simplifying
To be honest, over-simplifying and under-simplifying are both stupid ways to analyze things, which is probably why I do both. But I've done too much of both already, so perhaps we could dial back on the tangle a bit as we move along. But on the other hand, I have to keep over-simplifying everything because otherwise this demented piece might get long. And we can't have that. [5]
June 2001: Preparations Begin
In June of 2001, President Bush didn't assign Vice President Cheney to start planning to react to a terrorist attack. [6]
Cheney didn't do anything, though. And in July he didn't manage to change the rules about how the Air Force could respond in the event that a passenger plane or four just happened to lose their way in the fog or get hijacked at the same time. Standard Operating Procedures which would have allowed (or let's say "caused") the hijacked planes to be intercepted more or less automatically were not altered so that nothing could be done about incoming "missiles" unless the Vice President authorized such action himself. And this he clearly failed to do, although he later claimed that he had. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
Everything in Their Power
Having failed to open the door through which the hijackers could fly unmolested in the world's most heavily defended airspace for nearly two hours after everybody in the world knew that the U.S. was under attack, Cheney and Bush did everything in their power to prevent such an attack.
And this is only natural, especially in the case of Cheney, who knew nothing of the Patriotic COG Planners, even though he was one of them. His lack of knowledge is completely understandable: He had never been briefed on it because it was so secret.
At 8:00 on 9/11
Starting at about 8:00 on the morning of 9/11, the most important officers in the U.S. military started abandoning their posts, so to speak. But maybe it's not quite right to say "abandoning" since they always managed to leave inexperienced junior officers in charge of critical systems about which they knew nothing.
Nonetheless, the senior officers excused themselves to attend to important things such as dentist appointments and open-house sessions at elementary schools where young children were trying to fool their parents into thinking that they were learning how to read.
Nobody Knows!
And the first plane hit the first tower. And the second plane hit the second tower. And even the bricks could start to sense that there might be something interesting going on that day.
Then the news got all crazy. And they were saying this was a big surprise even though they'd been expecting it. They were also saying more attacks were coming, but how could anyone have known that? Especially if the first two were surprises?
The insanity continued. The third plane hit the Pentagon. The fourth plane got lost in Pennsylvania where it accidentally vanished into a field. And what were our Patriotic COG Planners doing? Here's the freaky part: Nobody knows!
Apparently Donald Rumsfeld was still manicuring the Pentagon lawn. Nobody had told him that it had already been used as a landing strip, which was understandable since the only people who could have told him so were out having their hair cut or playing miniature golf with their grandchildren and so on because it was early September and it was a very nice day.
No Spring Chicken
Donald Rumsfeld never wanted anyone to know it, but he was no spring chicken at that time and his hearing was going. So if he didn't hear the plane that smashed into the building where his office was located, we can cut the old fellow some slack, even if we have to do it in sign language. Anyway, Rumsfeld was out of sight for a little while and we can all be grateful for that, for reasons I am not at liberty to divulge.
Whisked Away
Meanwhile, Dick Cheney was whisked away from his White House office and taken to an underground bunker by members of the Secret Service who supposedly feared that he might be a target rather than realizing that he was one of the attackers.
In The Bunker
In the bunker, Cheney clearly refused to cancel a stand-down order which was preventing the Air Force from protecting Washington, even though he was asked three times to do so by a young man who was getting increasingly frantic as the hijacked plane approached the nation's capital. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta watched it all go down (way down!) and spoke about it when he testified before the Congress.
Fortunately for the Patriotic COG Planners, Mineta had no idea what he had witnessed. [7] But the clowns could see that Norman Mineta held a key to the truth about that fateful day. And they made the mistake of saying so.
Damage Control
Therefore, predictably, Norman Mineta disappeared from the record. His testimony disappeared from the national "archives" and his account of his time in the bunker, which could have sent Dick Cheney and many others to the guillotines, disintegrated like steel and concrete and turned to dust.
But instead of covering the streets and sidewalks, or blowing away in the wind, or hanging over everybody and making them all horribly sick, Mineta's testimony simply vanished.
And It Was Good
And it was good because the mysterious gaps in the timeline ascribed to Dick Cheney on the morning of 9/11 are necessary gaps, vital gaps, gaps without which the truth would be obvious and the heads would be rolling into the buckets.
Clearly that would not be a healthy scene for anybody, especially the institutional investors who have no conceivable connection to al-Qaeda or the COG planners.
The Path Was Clear
Since Cheney had refused three increasingly urgent requests to cancel the stand-down order, the mysterious hijackers had a clear path to the White House, or the Pentagon, or perhaps even an internationally recognized symbol of American wealth and power such as the gas station across the street from the Pentagon, or maybe the McDonald's down the street from the gas station.
The Rookie Pilot
Hani Hanjour, whose skill as a pilot was tested for the very first time on that day (!) flew a perfect trajectory. The plane flew with more speed and greater maneuverability than was actually possible for a plane of that size moving at that altitude.
Allah was riding with the rookie pilot, who clipped several lamp posts on his way to the heart of the Great Satan, causing absolutely no damage to the plane nor any deviation in its miraculous flight path.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The plane found its mark and a series of secondary explosions rocked the building. These explosions, by the way, were expunged from the oral accounts of the day before anything about them could be written down.
Everything was going perfectly for the Patriotic COG Planners, whose Pentagon offices, by providential favor, were situated in a distant part of the giant five-sided building.
Rumsfeld to the Rescue
Donald Rumsfeld, who was still Secretary of Defense, finally realized the country was under attack and rushed to the lawn outside the Pentagon to help the sad and lonely unidentified men who were scurrying around, planting clues for the investigators to find, just in case there happened to be an investigation.
Cheney Down the Rabbit Hole
Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge for the day since President George Bush was at an elementary school in Florida, where he was trying to convince his parents that he had been learning to read.
(Cheney, according to all credible accounts, would have been in charge regardless of whether the useless little twerp had been seeking a 50-years-too-late sign of approval from his father, or simply clearing brush at his "ranch" in his usual Presidential manner.) [8]
Now Watch This!
The White House officials who were in the bunker at the time were much more concerned about what was happening above ground than about the remarkable display of fortitude which they had just observed from the Vice President, who clearly was not about to give any ground to the terrorists by allowing the Air Force to hassle them.
And the White House officials in the bunker were watching on television when the Twin Towers
No one in the bunker could suppress a groan except the gallant Vice President, who never batted an eye as he reached for those comfortable levers of power once again, this time for good! As reported by the Washington Post, [9]
In a bunker beneath the East Wing of the White House, Cheney locked his eyes on CNN, chin resting on interlaced fingers. He was about to watch, in real time, as thousands were killed on Sept. 11, 2001.And sure enough, just a few minutes later, the XXXX XXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXX. Then XX XXXXX XX XXXXXXX XXXX X XXXXXX XX XXX XXXXX. Then XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX to the XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXX of XXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXX.
Previous accounts have described Cheney's adrenaline-charged evacuation to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center that morning, a Secret Service agent on each arm. They have not detailed his reaction, 22 minutes later, when the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.
"There was a groan in the room that I won't forget, ever," one witness said. "It seemed like one groan from everyone" -- among them [Condoleezza] Rice; her deputy, Stephen J. Hadley; economic adviser Lawrence B. Lindsey; counselor Matalin; Cheney's chief of staff, Libby; and the vice president's wife.
Cheney made no sound. "I remember turning my head and looking at the vice president, and his expression never changed," said the witness, reading from a notebook of observations written that day. Cheney closed his eyes against the image for one long, slow blink.
Three people who were present, not all of them admirers, said they saw no sign then or later of the profound psychological transformation that has often been imputed to Cheney. What they saw, they said, was extraordinary self-containment and a rapid shift of focus to the machinery of power.
But XXXXX XXXX and XX XXXXX XXXXXXX and suddenly the XXXXXXXXXX became much more XXXXX. Critically, XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX couldn't XXXXX XXXX. And they couldn't XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX, either!
Everyone stared as XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX. The XXX XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX. Some of them nearly fainted when XXXX XXXXXX and the XXXXXXX of XXXXX XXXXXX went XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX. Things were getting so serious that XXXXXX XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXX XXXXXX dove for cover just before XXX XXXXXXX XX XXX XXXXXXXXX. [10]
Finally there was a quiet moment, and XXXXXX seemed to have settled down a bit. But when XXXXXX XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXX XXXXXX looked up, the Vice President had disappeared! [11]
And that's the whole story! Of course it's a little bit fuzzy around the edges because it's all wrapped in secrecy. And the secrecy is necessary because national security. And also because, well, you know.
Nobody -- not even Peter Dale Scott (!!) -- knows what's been going on or what's been changed. We probably couldn't tell you about it even if we knew about it because it's almost certainly illegal by now. It's so hard to tell.
We know the Congress has passed laws without even reading them. We know the President has signed Executive Orders without allowing anybody else to read them.
And we know that these new laws and non-laws have altered the very nature of our former democracy, but we don't know anything else about any of it.
We do know that the President has refused to tell the Congress anything about any of it. But we don't know anything else!
It's very confusing!
And sometimes it feels like
your head is humming and it won't go
but there's a good reason for that. It's called cognitive dissonance and it means
your head is humming and it won't go
and it's sort of like what Magritte was talking about, except it's not a painting. It's not a movie either. It's reality and we've lost contact with it, in the sense that reality doesn't even matter anymore because
your head is humming and it won't go
and the story the government is feeding the media is false, and the stories we're getting from the media are all false, and yet they insist it's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And
your head is humming and it won't go
and there's also a vicious rumor sweeping the nation, to the effect that anyone who doesn't believe the obviously false yarn that's being spun around our future is unhinged. And
your head is humming and it won't go
and maybe you might start to think you really are losing it. And maybe you might just throw up and go to sleep and forget about it, or maybe you could spend 10 or 15 minutes on the internet and find out that you're not losing it at all; you're just noticing that everybody else has lost it. And this is why 10 or 15 minutes on the internet is such a dangerous thing because this is where clowns come from.
10 or 15 Minutes on the Internet
Even if you're not much smarter than a brick, it only takes about 10 or 15 minutes on the internet to figure out that you're not necessarily crazy, although you might well be. That's not for me to say. God knows you've interrupted me enough. And that's never a good sign. So I'm not sure; maybe you're not quite right after all.
But the point is: Even if you're full-bore loopy, you're probably not half as loopy as the story the government and the media are pushing.
I can break all this down to a simple choice (!) in many ways, but I can't think of a better breakdown than the one that leaves us the following two options:
(1) The story the American government is telling is true, and we never see any dissenting opinions in the media because, you know, or:
(2) The story the American government is telling is false, and all the governments and news agencies in the world are in on the gag.
9/11 Liars Say
The people who attack "9/11 Truthers" -- I call them "9/11 Liars" -- are fond of the "argument" that runs:
You're saying there's a massive world-wide conspiracy involving all the governments and all the news agencies.They think (or at least they act as if) this question is unanswerable and that it puts the 9/11 Truthers to the sword, so to speak. But as usual, they have no idea what they're talking about.
How plausible is that??
The Same Stories Over and Over
I can answer their question because I've been reading Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about Sherlock Holmes ever since I was a little kid.
I read the same stories over and over, even though I know what happens in all of them, even though I'm so familiar with so many of the picky details, or maybe because I'm so familiar with so many of the picky details.
I marvel at how well the stories are put together (most of them, anyway) and the way in which Doyle's fictional detective, who helped the cops for the fun of it, paved the way for a new "criminology" based on empirical evidence and what we now call "forensics".
Holmes was a master of logic, which sadly is beyond people who aren't much smarter than a brick. And this is especially unlucky in a democracy because logic is the basis of mathematics and all other rigorous systems of reasoning.
Eliminate the Impossible!
One of the dumbest and least famous lines that Doyle ever gave to Holmes runs:
When you eliminate the impossible,This might not be the best way to formulate the principle, but it's not bad for a fictional 19th century amateur detective.
whatever remains,
however improbable,
must be the truth.
In more precise language: We must reject any hypothesis which relies on an impossible element.
And this matters because the official story of 9/11 contains so many impossible elements that we cannot even take it into consideration.
Skyscrapers don't spontaneously turn to dust, even if they've been hit by airplanes an hour earlier, even if there are some small fires in them.
Buildings don't collapse up! Never! No matter what!
And therefore, the official story cannot be twisted severely enough to describe what happened to those buildings. And Poof!!
We started with two hypotheses, but one just disappeared! It turned out to be unacceptable because it contains an impossible element. Actually, it contains many impossible elements, but we have to reject it as soon as we find one.
There's no point looking for any more, even though many more are easy to find, because the whole pack of lies is like a balloon. Once you find a hole, all the air comes out. You don't need to find any more holes in the damned thing before you can pick it up and throw it against the wall.
In fact, that would be a really good thing to do every now and then, just to show your friends you're serious! But you're getting off on another tangent again. And we can't have that!
What about the second hypothesis? Is it possible that governments are collaborating with one another? Sure. In the old days this was called an alliance.
Is it possible that news agencies are collaborating with, not to say subservient to, governments in the countries in which they operate? Sure. In the old days, this was called patriotism.
And therefore our second hypothesis is not only plausible but it also gives us a good picture of what is happening.
And the first hypothesis isn't even worthy of consideration because it's so far beyond impossible.
And these are the only two possibilities. So we're finished.
Our verdict on the second hypothesis is Yes!
We must accept it, even though we may not like its implications. We don't have any other choice. We only have two options and the first one is impossible!
Yes! Governments collaborate with other governments.
Yes! They all control their news agencies.
You would be much easier to control, too, if they could make you think you were crazy, but
No! You are not crazy after all, at least not yet. Or maybe I should say: When it comes to 9/11, the crazies are the bricks who believe the official story.
The people who don't believe it, especially the ones who try to explain, confusingly or otherwise, why they don't believe it, are the only ones left who are not crazy, as far as I can tell.
As I've been saying, I'm only a clown so I don't want to speculate too much. But I can tell you this much for sure:
You have been a target in an enormous and expensive campaign of psychological warfare, waged in support of an enormous and lucrative campaign of physical warfare, which amounts to mass murder for fun and profit as a matter of state policy, in a post-democratic state whose citizens and whose pseudo-democratically elected representatives don't even know anything about the policy.
Please notice that I said "you have been" rather than "you are". It makes a big difference.
If you're with me so far, the psychological war is over.
And YOU have WON!!
Photo Essay:
Celebrate One Time, Come On!
Celebrate One Time, Come On!
You have been a target in an enormous and expensive
campaign of psychological warfare |
waged in support of an enormous and lucrative
campaign of physical warfare |
which amounts to mass murder |
for fun and profit as a matter of |
state policy in a post-democratic |
state whose citizens don't even know |
anything about the policy. |
But if you're with me so far, |
the war is over, and YOU have WON!! |
Celebrate One Time, Come On! |
Listen: Humble Pie: I Don't Need No Doctor
He gave me a medicated lotion
but it didn't soothe my emotion
It's About Time
I think it's about time that the psychological war came to an end for all of us, not just a few clowns who have worked their way through all this demented nonsense.
It's demented to think that the psychological war being waged against us is funded by money taken from our paychecks in the democratic process which we call "taxation".
Taxation Without Representation
It's demented to think that the USA was founded on a revolution against "taxation without representation" because the Colonies didn't have a voice in the British Parliament.
It's demented to think that we now have "taxation without representation" because you and I have no voice in Congress and our representatives have no voice in Washington, nor any idea of what's going on there.
Taxation With Counter-Representation
It's especially demented to think that we also have "taxation with counter-representation" because your hard-earned money is being spent on a massive propaganda program designed to convince you that you're insane if you're not crazy enough to believe all the bullshxt that's flying around.
I would like to think this demented nonsense could be stopped, especially considering that we're living in the world's greatest former democracy. But I am not exactly hopeful, to put it mildly.
I'm glad I'm not crazy yet. And I'm glad you're probably not crazy yet. But the world certainly has gone crazy. And even though it may be too soon to tell, I'm afraid our condition might be terminal.
Clearly we're not dead yet. As soon as I recover a little bit, I'll come back to tell you all about the investigation.
Listen: Bill Nelson / Be Bop Deluxe: Down On Terminal
I took a walk down Terminal Street last night
To see the ancient faces living there
I saw the sunken eyes of agony
I saw the desperate stations of despair
The madman waiting for the spirit girl to come
in a song well-written but unsung
I saw the smiling wardens cutting down the noose
From which my drowning head was hung
1: On second thought, some of that could be because their bullshxt
op-eds are published in the local languages. There is always
something lost in the translation from the original American
text. ↑
2: But that was only one poll, so we can't know for sure until
we've run a thousand polls a year for the next century at
least. By then it might not matter as much as it does now.
5: Obviously, this demented rant is not sufficiently well-written
to justify any length at all! But you're digressing again.
6: We know of no instance in which President Bush ever assigned
anyone to work on preventing a terrorist attack. But it
would have been illogical of him to do so because, if they
were ready to respond to (i.e. take advantage of) a terrorist
attack, why would they want to prevent one? ↑
7: Norman Mineta's testimony indicated that he thought Cheney
was refusing to change a shoot-down order! But if the discussion
had been about a shoot-down order, it would have been difficult
to explain why the young man was growing increasingly frantic.
9: This passage is still online because it was quoted on some clown's blog after it
appeared in a Washington Post series which is now
unavailable. Fancy that! ↑
11: Neither XXXXXX XXXXXXXX nor XXXXXXX XXXXXX testified before
the 9/11 Commission, probably because the events they observed
in the bunker were not anticipated by Philip Zelikow when
he wrote the outline of the final report. And of course
the final report had already been completed before the Commission
didn't call XXXXXX XXXXXXXX or XXXXXXX XXXXXX to testify
(not that it would have made any difference at that point).